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Eddie B 11:34 Fri Dec 14
Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"

Andy Carroll has heard all the jokes and jibes before. The 'comedians' out there say he is so injury prone he could probably sideline himself slurping soup. Others have told West Ham's fit-again forward — to his face — to be careful tackling staircases.

So it is understandable he has something to get off his chest after being targeted and ridiculed for reasons that, really, are no fault of his.

'I honestly don't know what I've done in my life to get the s*** I get,' says Carroll, shaking his head. 'It's unbelievable. I get some stick for everything I do. It's annoying.

It's stupid things, like I went to Lapland UK. I'm standing there with the kids. Someone skates over, 'Lovely to meet you... don't be getting on the ice, I don't want you falling over and getting injured'. Everywhere I go it's the same b*******.'

Carroll's latest lay-off lasted four months. He returned for pre-season in July but a scan revealed that the screws in his ankle were loose. Surgery was required, again.

'A lot of people just think, "Oh, Andy's injured again? He's all right, he's on holiday," or whatever,' said Carroll, who made his first appearance of the season against Cardiff 10 days ago.

'But it's hard. It's hard graft. You're going home angry, upset, having a go at the missus for nothing, having a go at everyone. You're just upset. It's hard to be by yourself.

'It was very tough. You can see the lads playing outside. You're in the gym and all you want to do is get outside. I'm down. Down in the dumps I'm not out there.'

After the exits of Slaven Bilic and David Moyes, the Manuel Pellegrini era is beginning to take shape. West Ham have secured three successive Premier League wins and can make it four on Saturday against Fulham.

When the subject of his contract comes up, Carroll lets out a wry smile. He knew it was coming.

'I'd like to stay,' says Carroll, whose current £90,000-a-week deal expires at the end of this season. 'I've got a two-year option, it's the club's option. I've been injured, so it's not one of those where I can just pick up the phone and say, 'Give me a two-year deal'. I've got to prove it. That's what I need to do.

'Last season was up and down. We had Stuart Pearce doing sessions, then David Moyes was doing sessions. It didn't really feel right, it didn't work. The lads weren't happy.'

At home, Carroll doesn't watch football. Match of the Day is never on the box, but he hopes to be back on it soon.

How much he features is both down to him and his new manager, who he is still getting to know. 'He (Pellegrini) is a nice fella, a gentleman,' he says. 'He conducts himself well. He's ruthless. Bang, you've done well, but then he won't play you the next game. You've got to respect him. He'll tell us how it is, and that's it. His door is always open.'

The England international is not yet fit enough to start under Pellegrini so may need to make do with a role as a substitute for the time being.

'For now,' he interrupts when that idea is put to him. 'It's all about working hard and showing the gaffer I can play. I've been out a long time. The gaffer knows I'm not fully fit, I know I'm not fully fit. I'd say I'm about 75 per cent"

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

eusebiovic 2:14 Mon Dec 17
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
*£50 Million Liverpool got

eusebiovic 2:12 Mon Dec 17
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Carroll's fate/luck all comes down to the£50Million they got for Torres in January 2011 - who never fully recovered from rushing back from injury to make the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. As it was he played a very peripheral role for Spain as David Villa played brilliantly.

They got rid but what made them think Andy Carroll was worth £35Million on the back of one good-ish season in the Championship for the Geordies and 8 goals in his first half a season in the Premiership?

It was madness

Northern Sold 11:56 Mon Dec 17
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"

Reply whu4eva 11:16 Mon Dec 17

... or when he plays Centre Half and just ends up getting in the way of everyone....

* swallows cynaide pill *

whu4eva 11:16 Mon Dec 17
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
The one thing I can't stand is the number of times he drifts out wide on an attack and ends up crossing the ball or trying some unnecessary skill / 50 yard diagonal / cross field ball...

Know your strengths and stick to them...

He can head, he can volley and he can finish... Stay in the middle and be a nuisance so we have more space for delivery

CARTERS 6:24 Mon Dec 17
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Just my opinion pdc.
All these years watching I honestly think he is an overrated footballer who is brilliant in the air when fit.
On the floor he is worse than useless.
Just ,as I say an opinion and thats what this site used to be about.

eswing hammer 11:44 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
What do you call a crocodile with a sat nav?
A navigator!

One Flew 11:30 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Welcome back, if you were as bad as everyone is making out here, you wouldn't be getting on the pitch and your contract would have been ripped up.

Northern Sold 11:26 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
pdcwhu 10:21 Sun Dec 16

Nice one Kev Nolan....

Keep dreaming 10:44 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"

pdcwhu 10:21 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Carters ??????.....He is One of the Best Strikers We have ever Had.Fact

pdbis 9:52 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Anyone got any good 'Aligator' jokes?

Keep dreaming 4:13 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Shit player on sick wages.
Fuck off you crock cunt

geoffpikey 3:18 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
He took his shirt off on the pitch at the end of yesterday's game. I didn't see:

Was it to give to an adoring West Ham fan?

Was he saying "goodbye"?

Or: had he suffered a nasty chafing injury?

CARTERS 2:59 Sun Dec 16
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
When Dalglish paid 35m for him I was stunned.
8-10 years later nothing has changed.
If anyone thinks things will change in the next five months they are wrong.
He ,at this time IMO,is a liability due to his speed on the ball.
He never has been prolific but if you want to spend 70-90k a week give it to Rice and Diangana.
The sooner AC is off the wage bill the better.

I've watched WHU for 55 years and he is one of the worst strikers I have ever seen.
When fit a handful.
There's the problem he's never fit.

Texas Iron 3:16 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
The only positive I have for him is...
Not covering his arms etc with multi-coloured stupid doodles...

HairyHammer 1:56 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
How many West ham players does it take to change a light bulb?

"Oh for fuck sake not again Andy how did you manage that?, I wouldn't mind you didn't even need a fucking chair we had a whole squad to pick from too"

Eerie Descent 1:33 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Griff, 5 managers, and a former teammate, have all made it public about his desire to get fit to play football.

As I say, I'm not asking him to love the game, or sit in a West Ham shirt for home games singing bubbles, but come on, it's not a fucking hardship to give it everything you can to get on the pitch when you''re earning that sort of money.

He is a fucking piss taker. Good luck to him on a personal level, he's clearly rolling in it for giving back very little, but don't come out with fucking WOE IS ME bollocks.

Once again:

'I honestly don't know what I've done in my life to get the s*** I get,'

Says the man playing football when he feels like it for 90 BAGS a week.

G-IRONS 1:14 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
You have to wonder where we'd be if he had been a regular.I love watching the opposition defence go into a blind panic when we get a set piece.Beast of a player when he's fit but sadly way to few appearances to justify the sort of dough he gets.

stirlinghammer 11:50 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Probably dislocated his jaw during the interview

What next?wilshire wondering why he is called the wheelchair?

Harry also took offence at being called a wheeler dealer...

Dr Matt 11:36 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
Hope he didn’t injure himself doing that interview 😂

wd40 11:05 Sat Dec 15
Re: Andy Carroll "fed up with crock jokes"
screws in his ankle were loose''

No doubt the club went cheap on the surgery, can see them giving the local doctor who been struck off years ago cash in hand to sort it then he would turned up drunk to check on it every 2 months.

Then it was off training every day with Mr Dicks .

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